SPOILERS for The Vanishing by Wendy Webb

Julia is a descendant of the former psychic medium that had a history at Havenwood. Apparently ten years prior to the setting of the book, Amaris had had Julia visit Havenwood to recreate the last seance that Sarafina hosted nearly a century ago.  The seance went bad and Julia ended up in a psychiatric hospital, where she met her husband.  She had no memory of any of that until it slowly started to come back at Havenwood. 

What confused me was the very end.  The epilogue.   Julia wakes up to find Havenwood abandoned, dilapidated and in disrepair.   So did she dream the whole thing?


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  1. I have been racking my brain about the ending too. I'm thinking the house, possibly, maybe,straddles the line between the passed and present. The MC walked in her room during one scene with 2 women getting dressed for a dinner party and MC scares the women. With the possible Wendigo at the beginning of the book, I was thinking that the Shaman cursed the land with black magic to kill the Wendigo and created a type of Nexus. I wish Wendy Webb left the epilogue out or at least gave us a little more to go on. It only added to an already confusing story. A good story but the ending turned it upside down for me.

    1. Thanks, that’s helpful and sounds like the right explanation!

  2. I just finished reading this and have been scoring the internet hoping to find an explanation of the ending! The link to your full review appears to be down - is the review still available? Would love to read!

  3. I've been wondering about the ending too. Maybe the author thought it was all too pat and happy. Earlier in the book I remember Julia saying she's walk into a room and see dust and broken windows. Wouldn't it be sad if she was actually living in the dilapidated home and just dreaming the good life? It's all very weird. I like the thought above, where the house sits at a crossroad and maybe in that dream she crossed over for a little bit, but luckily came back. When reading I kept thinking Drew was the reincarnated Andrew and he was actually not alive. Anyway, if I were Julia, I'd also want to stay in the dream state.

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