SPOILERS for All the Dangerous Things by Stacy Willingham


Warning!  The following post contains spoilers. 

Ben was cheating on Isabelle. His girlfriend, Valerie, kidnapped Mason and gave him to a woman who couldn't have children. 

Ben's first wife, Allison, was Wayland's sister. Which is how he came to be interested in Isabelle's story. 

Isabelle's mother killed Margaret. Post-partum psychosis. And had also killed another sister of Isabelle's that she had forgotten about because she was so young. 

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  1. Hi Charlotte! I'm a spoiler lover too, over at www.howdidthatbookend.com. Would you consider guest posting on each others' sites, to build our catalogs of spoilers and improve SEO? I didn't see a way to contact you, so if you're interested shoot me an email at caroline.bookends@gmail.com!
