SPOILERS for The Guest List by Lucy Foley

Disclaimer: If you continue reading, you will be exposed to spoilers about the above book. Proceed with caution.

It was Will, the groom, who was found dead the night of the wedding.

It could have been the best man, Johnno, who killed him after he discovered that Will had sabotaged his chances to be on the reality show with Will. 

It could have been the sister of the bride, Olivia, who killed him. After all, Will was her Tinder hook-up who got her pregnant and then ghosted her. 

It could have been Hannah who killed him after she discovered that Will was the boyfriend who posted a private video of her sister for all to see and ultimately drove her to suicide. 

But it was the wedding planner, Aoife, who killed him.  Because Will killed her little brother at that fancy private school to keep him from exposing the fact that Will was going to cheat on exams. 

Share your thoughts :

  1. Girl, I love your spoilers. I am 7/8 way through the audiobook, and I'm dying to know the outcome. Yes, I'm going to finish it. But you've take the "edge" off.

  2. Will deserves to die and that's that

  3. Thank you for disclosing the killer and the victim. Due to circumstances I am having to "read" this book via audio book so that I have enough read for an online book club meeting. I am not an audio book person, even e books are something I (during Covid lockdown) find second place to a real book which I can flip back through when desired, the feel of the pages, I am able to stop to easily re-read a passage or a sentence. At this point even by increasing the reading speed I am pushing myself through the book. Some of what you disclosed I had guessed at so it was great to have my suspicions confirmed.
