SPOILERS for Hairpin Bridge by Taylor Adams


If you continue reading, you will be exposed to spoilers about the above book. Proceed with caution.

Raymond Raycevic was really Rick Raycevic. Ray committed suicide years ago when he found out their father was a serial killer. Rick did not into the police academy, so he assumed his brother's life. 

Rick/Ray was adamant that Cambry killed herself, but we never know for sure. In Lena's epilogue, she said that he confessed to killing Cambry, but I don't remember reading that. 

Lena killed both Rick/Ray and his father. AND she rescued the baby that he threw down the well. 

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  1. First- I love your blog, thank you for existing and making my life exponentially better. Second, when Lena says in the epilogue that Raycevic says he killed Cambry, I think she is saying that because she promised her sister that no one would know the truth. And this way their mom doesn't have to think about Cambry is in hell. I think Cambry did kill herself.
