SPOILERS for The Perfect Wife by JP Delaney

Abbie was a Cobot. "Companion Robot."  Tim had developed her after the real Abbie had "disappeared". 

The real Abbie had planned to take their son and runaway because Tim had placed him in a school for students with Autism that had extremely barbaric ways of dealing with the students.   

Tim found out and murdered Abbie. 

Cobot Abbie figured everything out the end of the book was her figuring it out and smuggling Danny out to her family.  She killed herself by going into the ocean to get Danny to safety. 

But it didn't matter that she was ruined. Tim had another prototype of her ready to go. 


Share your thoughts :

  1. I am honestly struggling to get through this one, but I wanted to know what happened, so thank you for letting me know, so I can DNF this thing and move on.
